Towards the engineering of trustworthy AI applications for critical systems

Towards the engineering of trustworthy AI applications for critical systems

An accident that will leave its mark. Yesterday morning, Mrs. D., an employee of the Pharma4.0 factory in Valenciennes, had her right wrist broken by an InCobot handling robot during an ordinary operation that until now had never caused any problems. In this factory, the operation called “pick and place” of cough syrup bottles is performed jointly by human operators and robotic arms in the same work area, and this on many stations. Yesterday, one of the robots violently hit Mrs. D.’s right wrist during a routine operation, which caused the immediate stop of the line and a protest movement of all the workers, who did not return to work this morning. When asked, a trade union representative declared: “we don’t wantto work again with these AI robots, we don’t trust them anymore”


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