Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world

Intelligence service: How the latest advances in AI will Revolutionize business—and beyond

Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world

For some, a mention of artificial intelligence (AI) summons images of robots running amok as humans valiantly try to put the genie back in the bottle. But the reality is that today’s AI—the ability of machines to learn from experience and perform tasks once only possible for humans—is already a reality and full of possibilities to enrich and improve human lives. Machine learning, one of the key building blocks of AI, has been a part of the technological world since the 1950s, when the earliest programmers asked computers to make sense of large sets of data. Programmers have increasingly refined the ability of machines to study data in order to detect patterns that allow computers to then organise information, identify relationships, make predictions and detect anomalies. Today, modern applications of AI have already given us self-driving cars and virtual assistants and have helped us detect fraud and manage resources like electricity more efficiently. Sectors as diverse as retail, sports, banking, manufacturing and healthcare have all found applications for machine learning and AI


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