Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence

Ethics must be embedded in the design and development process from the very beginning of AI creation. Everyday Ethics for AI is meant to guide team discussions and daily practices.

Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence

As AI designers and developers, we hold a vast share of the collective influence. We are creating systems that will impact millions of people. AI is rapidly growing in capability, impact and influence. As designers and developers of AI systems, it is an imperative to understand the ethical considerations of our work. A technology-centric focus that solely revolves around improving the capabilities of an intelligent system doesn’t sufficiently consider human needs. A trustworthy, human-centric AI system must be designed and developed in a manner that is aligned with the values and principles of the society or community it affects.

Ethics is a set of moral principles which help us discern between right and wrong. AI ethics is a set of guidelines that advise on the design, development, and use of artificial intelligence.2 To create and foster trust between humans and machines, you must understand the ethical resources and standards available for reference during the Specific virtues and practices to promote. Guidance for designers and developers building and training AI. This guide provides discussion points concerning: – – design, building, and maintenance of AI. The large-scale focus on AI ethics by groups like the World Economic Forum, the Future of Privacy Forum, the Partnership on AI, and the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, should be mirrored in businesses and working groups of all sizes.


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